Beach Cottage in Morjim, North Goa

What is a beach cottage?

According to Morjim beach hermitage a cottage is basically a small house in a village. It has charm of an old house but the comforts of all modern facilities. If such a dwelling is sited right on the shore then in is called a beach cottage. Modern amenities like western bathrooms, A/C, Refrigerator, T.V, 24 hours running hot & cold water, security, safe private car parking, in house restaurant with bar etc should be there in a beach cottage.

Morjim beach hermitage / Cottages

At Morjim beach hermitage we have all the necessities required of a beach cottage. The hermitage is set on the shore of the lovely Morjim beach.  Morjim in itself is a quiet village. Home a too wide variety of birds and famous as a nesting place for the Olive Ridley Turtle. The high rising palm trees on the edge of the shoreline is a reminder of the beauty of Goa. We have all the modern requirement mentioned above in our hermitage. For this reason one can also refer to our hermitage as a cluster of cottages.

Village environment, modern facilities and beach view

beach cottage in Morjim
beach cottage in north goa

The above two shots are an evidence of the fact that we have all that is needed of a beach cottage. A village background, modern facilities and lovely view of the Morjim beach.  One can come and relax on the morjim beach as it is close to Morjim Hermitage. One can enjoy all the modern services provided by us. And last but not the least; one can enjoy the village surroundings with sound of the swaying palm trees and music of the birds.

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